Defected ground structure how is defected ground structure. This paper presents a new shape sshape monopole of a super wideband antenna using stepped meander lines, a quarter waveguide transformer feeding line, and a defected ground structure dgs. In this paper various defected ground structure dgs patterns are inserted in a ground plane of a conventional rectangular microstrip patch antenna rmsa. The characterization of the antenna in free space as well as in the proximity of the user head and hand is presented. As a result triband response is achieved with gain reaching 0. A cpw fed circular microstrip patch antenna with defected. A reconfigurable defected ground structure resonator based. The performance of antenna is characterized by the shape, dimension and location of defected structure at specific position of ground. In this work, the geometries and electronic states of two preferable types of divacancy defects in finitesize hexagonal graphene flakes hgfs were calculated by selfconsistentcharge densityfunctional tightbinding sccdftb method for the first time, which are three pentagons and three heptagons composed 555777 divacancy defect structure and two pentagons side with. We present a 4port multipleinputmultipleoutput mimo antenna array operating in the mmwave band for 5g applications. Defected ground dgs structure and its position relative to the transmission line. Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmasters page for free fun content.
The array elements are rectangularshaped slotted patch antennas, while the ground plane is made defected with. The antenna is fed by a microstrip center lined technique. Pdf a novel design of patch antenna using uslot and. Using the general model of dgs, its equivalent parameters were extracted. Width to length ratio aspect ratio of a patch attributes different characteristic features.
Super wide band, defected ground structure dgs, and. Comparison of the performance characteristics of the. Hshaped defected ground structure in its ground plane is shown infig. Performance analysis of a defected groundstructured. Antenna dimension initially a basic microstrip patch antenna on fr4 substrate was designed with defected ground structure as shown in the figure 1a. This work mainly includes modification of antenna ground plane called as defected ground structure dgs. The two new proposed shapes of dgs were then used to design a novel compact spider microstrip antenna to minimize its area. The antenna has shown minimum mismatch loss with 0 to 5% with high bandwidth.
Analysis and design of microstrip antenna with defected. Analysis and design of wide band microstriplinefed antenna. Two novel defected ground structures dgs were first proposed, which have better results than that of the dumbbell published shape. Owing to the additional effective inductance of the dgs, the characteristic impedance of the microstrip line is increased for the same width of conductor. The parameters of the filter are optimized using in.
The antenna is targeted to excite three separate bands first from 2. A circular shape defect is integrated in the ground plane. The name of the concept dgs simply means that a defect has been in the ground plane which could be considered as an approximation of an infinite and perfectly conducting current sink. Pier b online an overview on defected ground structure. Sensors free fulltext super wide band, defected ground. The ground plane effects are minimized using a defected ground structure dgs and multiple slots. China abstractthis paper focuses on a tutorial overview of defected ground structure dgs. Defected ground structure dgs is a convenient way to realize the slow wave e. Presentation design applications of defected ground. A compact antenna size including both ground plane and radiator etched on the printed circuit. Defect structure article about defect structure by the free. The effects of adaptive genetic algorithms agas and defected ground structures dgss on performance optimization of tapered microstrip filter are investigated. In the basic cured monopole antenna wide band characteristics are obtained and in the case of notched monopole antenna, some frequency bands are cut off in the wide band operation.
In this work, the geometries and electronic states of two preferable types of divacancy defects in finitesize hexagonal graphene flakes hgfs were calculated by selfconsistentcharge densityfunctional tightbinding sccdftb method for the first time, which are three pentagons and three heptagons composed 555777 divacancy defect structure and two pentagons side with octagon composed 585. This paper focuses on a tutorial overview of defected ground structure dgs. Slots or defects integrated on the ground plane of microwave planar circuits are referred to as defected ground structure. This paper presents four original design examples on lowpass and bandpass filters with and without dgs. An identical twoelement array excited by the feed network based on a tjunction power combinerdivider is introduced in the reported paper. Pdf miniaturized microstrip patch antenna with defected. Compact rectangular microstrip patch antenna with defected. Oct 12, 2000 the authors present a 10 db 90 branch line coupler operating at 1. Hartanto mutual coupling reduction using dumbbell defected ground structure for multiband microstrip antenna array, progress. Defected ground structure the compact geometrical slots embedded on the ground plane of microwave circuits are referred to as defected ground structure dgs. The aim of this work is to miniaturize a microstrip patch antenna resonating at 3 ghz. The term defected ground structure dgs, specifically implies a single or very limited number of defects. Initially, the novel structure of microstrip patch antenna designed at cband resonates at 5. Dgs is adopted as an emerging technique for improving the various parameters of microwave circuits, that is, narrow bandwidth, crosspolarization, low gain, and so forth.
A compact defected ground structure curved wideband monopole antenna and notched monopole antenna are designed and presented in this paper. A new defected ground structure for microstrip line circuits was introduced by keeping the ground plane of the circuit fully metallized and etching the slots on the superstrate, which is directly lain on the top of the substrate. Pdf design of microstrip patch antenna with defected. By placing u and lshaped slots with defected ground structure, the proposed antenna is resonating at lower frequency band also with acceptable gain. The antenna has shown minimum mismatch loss with 0 to 5% with high bandwidth response of 37 to 1200mhz. The shape of slot is modified from a simple hole to a more complicated shape. An overview on defected ground structure request pdf. New design method of uwb microstrip filters using adaptive.
It has been widely used in the development of miniaturized antennas 1518. Defective definition of defective by medical dictionary. Pbg forms free mode inside the forbidden band gap and. The designed antennas are showing impedance band width more than 140% with vswr less than 2 in the desired band. Defected ground structure dgs can be classified as shown in figeure1 below. The antenna is designed to operate in the 746787 mhz, 18501990 mhz, 19202170 mhz, and 36003700 mhz frequency bands. During 20052006, dgs was directly integrated with antennas to improve the radiation characteristics and to suppress mutual coupling. Design and simulation of a novel dual band microstrip.
Analysis and design of wide band microstriplinefed. The range of structures of which figure 1 is only a small samplearises from different requirements for bandwidth q and center frequency, as well as practical concerns such as a sizeshape that does not overlap other portions of the circuit, or a structure. The proposed structure achieves an ultra wide stopband with high attenuation within a small surface area, as well as 45% smaller size, in comparison with conventional filters. Different from this, a notable ground structure named defected ground structure dgs has recently been investigated and found to be a simple and effective method to reduce the antenna size as well as excite additional resonance. Dumbbellshaped defected ground structure how is dumbbell. The curved monopole antenna with defected ground structure is operating in a wide bandwidth of 16 ghz. A reconfigurable defected ground structure dgs resonator based on coplanar waveguide cpw technology is being proposed. Dgs is adopted as an emerging technique for improving the various.
The proposed dgs is incorporated in the ground plane under the patch antenna to improve its. The concept of the defected ground structure dgs originated from the research on the photonic bandgap structure pbg. This paper presents an introduction and evolution of dgs and how dgs is different from former. Recently there has been an increasing in the use of dgss for performance enhancement of microstrip antennas. Design of 10 db 90 branch line coupler using microstrip line. Defected ground structure or dgs, enhances the performance of the system by intentionally modifying the ground plane metal. Microstrip antenna design with defected ground structure. Design of gshaped defected ground structure for bandwidth. The array elements are rectangularshaped slotted patch antennas, while the ground plane is made defected with rectangular, circular. A novel design of patch antenna is presented with double u slot structure on patch with ground irregularities.
Miniature microstrip patch antenna array based on defected. Design and simulation of a novel dual band microstrip patch. The concept of dgs is inspired by photonicelectromagnetic bandgap structures ebgpbg and metamaterials that are employed in microwave components to achieve a variety of performance enhancement features. Defected ground structure dgs integrated rectangular microstrip patch has been experimentally investigated with an aim to improve polarisation purity in radiated fields. To increase the electrical length of the antenna and to reduce the resonant frequency, an uslot model is. For this purpose, defected ground structure dgs has been employed to shift the resonance frequency of an initial microstrip antenna from 5. Basically, the design is based on slot defect which is thereby created on the ground plane. Printed antenna designs using defected ground structures. Dumbbellshaped defected ground structure listed as dsdgs. The list of acronyms and abbreviations related to dgs defected ground structure. Inverted defected ground structure for microstrip line. Frequency graph of microstrip patch antenna with defected ground structure for uwb application. Dual band microstriplinefed low profile microstrip patch antenna is proposed for wireless applications.
The radiator and ground plane are on the two opposite faces of flame retardant fr4 substrate having thickness of 1. In this paper, a new defected ground structure is using to miniaturize microstrip patch antenna array for sband at 2. Dgs makes one or a few of pgb etched ground elements in the ground plane. Jun 10, 2019 the concept of the defected ground structure dgs originated from the research on the photonic bandgap structure pbg. The various antenna parameters such as bandwidth b. Introduction in the past few years several new techniques have been applied to designing radio frequency rfmicrowave components. The reconfigurable resonator leads to generate multiple stopbands at arbitrary frequencies. Antenna shows good radiation characteristics with peak gain of 8. These structures are realized by etching off a simple shape defect from the ground plane of microstrip patch antenna 2. Design and improvement of microstrip patch antenna. When we intentionally modify the ground plane metal of a microstrip or stripline, or coplanar waveguide to enhance its performances. Pdf bandwidth enhancement of rectangular microstrip patch. The use of defected ground structures in designing microstrip.
Presentation design applications of defected ground structures. Coaxial cable is mounted with patch as medium of power. It is motivated by a study of pbg to change guided wave properties. A novel equivalent circuit model is proposed for microstrip patch antenna with defected ground structure. The metal of the superstrate is connected by via holes to the ground plane. The parameters of antenna such as reflection coefficient, gain, vswr and band width, with and without dgs are measured.
The use of defected ground structures in designing. The stateofthe art, however, changed when deliberately created defects in the ground called defected ground structures or, simply, dgs were introduced, to further improve the filter performance. The proposed antenna is formed by etching an inverted lshaped slot on the patch with defected ground structure. A wide band microstrip antenna is proposed for ku band applications with defected ground structure. Novel compact spider microstrip antenna with new defected. Therefore present experimental studies have been executed for four different aspect ratio values like 1. Miniaturized microstrip patch antenna with defected ground structure article pdf available in progress in electromagnetics research c 55.
Tunable defected ground structure and its applications to. Many dgs patterns are studied so as to improve their performance. Defected ground structure dgsintegrated rectangular. In 19, dog bone structure is used as defected ground, and in 20, one spiral dgs is chosen for size miniaturization. Pdf bandwidth enhancement of rectangular microstrip. The design method for miniaturizing the conventional 180 hybrid coupler is derived based on the fractal theory by replacing the. The range of structuresof which figure 1 is only a small samplearises from different requirements for bandwidth q and center frequency, as well as practical concerns such as a sizeshape that does not overlap other portions of the circuit, or a structure. Inverted lslot tripleband antenna with defected ground. In this paper defected ground structures dgss featuring compact size and spurious free passband in the context of 180 hybrid ring couplers are investigated. The proposed dgs is incorporated in the ground plane under the patch antenna to. The antenna will be used for multiple wireless communication applications like wimaxwlanismuwb, and also for several wireless communication applications. In order to improve return loss, compactness and efficiency of antenna defected ground structure has been used. The antenna designers initially employed dgs underneath printed feed lines to suppress higher harmonics. Miniaturized wideband bandpass filter with wide stopband.
Analysis and design of compact high gain microstrip patch. A rotated rectangular shaped defect is embedded in the ground plane and fed with a 50. Defect structure article about defect structure by the. Performance analysis of a defected groundstructured antenna. The proposed antenna is compact in size with 15x20x1. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount or promotional offer. Incorporation of defected ground structure dgs into the microstrip phased array antenna paa provides desirable changes to the direction of the main beam. Srrs and defected ground structure dgsa top view and b bottom view.
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